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COMMUNITY NEWS: FingeNYC's 2013 FringeJR and Eva Dean Dance

I got a note about the following dance performance - tomorrow, this weekend, and next week - go, enjoy, tell your friends!

Venue #8 - The theater at the 14th Street Y
344 E. 14th St (b/w 1st and 2d Avenues)

Wed., Aug. 14 at 5:45 pm
Sat., Aug. 17 at 4:30 pm
Wed., Aug. 21 at 4 pm

Tickets: $15 in advance ( or $18 at door

"Floating dancers on circus globes, bedeviled pirates, and free-spirited gypsies inhabit the netherworlds of Peter Pan, Esmerelda, and Tinker Bell.  Enter these worlds illuminated by mystical twirling lights.  Peter Pan and Stardust Dances is a unique one-of-a-kind production for adventurous audiences from ages 4 to 104.

The impetus for Peter Pan and Stardust Dances comes from an interest in magic, joy, and wonderment.  Eva Dean Dance first premiered an excerpt from this production at 2012 First Night Boston, set to original music from David Kahne's larger completed "Peter Pan Ballet" score.  Its 2013 FringeNYC installment will add one new segment - Peter Pan SHADOW.  Eva Dean and David Kahne plan to work together to make a full-scale production of PETER PAN using Kahne's composed "Peter Pan Ballet."


That time Squish maybe had a little, tiny bit of some iced latte

When I went to Milwaukee to see an old friend recently, I left my husband home with a seriously painful back spasm that was definitely not appropriate for air travel.

I packed a suitcase, a travel crib, a baby carrier, and a carry on bag into the back of the car and drove the three of us to the airport.

As we were walking to the ticket counter from the parking garage - pulling a suitcase with a travel crib on top of it, Squish in the carrier, and Bug walking alongside, a kind man said, "Would you like some help?"

"Oh, no, thank you!"

That's right.  I was in the middle of some kind of adrenaline rush  - having successfully made it that far, I was mentally preparing for the ticket counter, security checkpoint, and bathroom break, and I was pinning all of my hopes on the fact that there might be a coffee shop between security and the gate for our flight.

The coffee was going to be my reward for having successfully shepherded my three-year-old and one-year-old and all of our stuff to the other side of security.

I couldn't wimp out and take help at that point - before I had even checked us into our flight.

Caffeine was my help.

And it was waiting for me on the other side of security.