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Night And Day Care

Baby spent a month with Nanny because I went back to work one month before Baby was eligible to start Day Care.  I am the first to admit that that month was peppered with challenges, most of which centered around my slow (and reluctant?) recognition that Baby and I could spend some of our days apart and he would still recognize me, enjoy my company, and not feel abandoned.  I never worried about the quality of Baby's care, I was just jealous that I was not the one providing it.  

Then Baby spent about four weeks at Day Care.  I could go on and on about why Day Care was a bad fit for us.  Instead, I will simply note, for the record, that it was a bad fit.  During those four weeks, my insecurity about whether, as a family, we were happy with Day Care was rivaled only by the guilt associated with having chosen the wrong child care option.  I felt like an idiot.  Apparently, I was more likely to cross examine a cab driver about traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge than I was to discern what my baby's days would be like at Day Care.  Had I been careless (careless!) about this decision?  

Last week, we asked Nanny to come back permanently, and she agreed.  When I opened the door to greet her on the first morning of her return, Baby smiled immediately and looked very happy to see her.

On the third morning after Nanny's return, Baby was suddenly a confident, easy little eater of solid foods.  On the third full day of Day Care, I got a call to come retrieve my little dearheart because Day Care thought he had had too many big poops.

Now seems like a very good time to publicly acknowledge how thankful I am that we are in a position to work with a woman who is so kind, capable, and all around amazing.  The woman who referred Nanny confided in me that she believes that Nanny is an angel.  Nanny definitely manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness - and, perhaps even more importantly, she loves Baby and makes him happy.  So... angel it is.  


  1. What a lovely post! I am so happy for you that you're feeling so much better about Finn's care...your peace of mind is worth every penny more.

  2. just catching up on your blog, so forgive my 50 million random posts to what may now seem like yesterdays news! but mary, i am so glad you followed your gut. we had a similar things here when i was first looking for care for lulu here. i talked myself out of my concern for 4 days while my kid wen ton a hunger strike at daycare and suffered from sleep disturbance. then i called my mom who said. why are you trying to rationalize anything. if it doesn't feel right, it's not right. you're the mother. it gets to be that simple. and then pheeeeew. it was.

  3. Many thanks to both of you for the understanding and encouragement... Here's to the simplicity of knowing when we are right.
