"I want to whisper something in your ear," Squish told me as Bug and my husband were leaving for Kindergarten this morning.
I bent down to listen.
"I am going to squish Rainbow Dash," Squish whispered.
I suggested that it wasn't very nice to squish people. Squish corrected me on two points: (1) Rainbow Dash is not a person - she is a pony; and (2) she is not real.
Fair enough. I decided to let his imagination work its magic while I nursed Pumpkin before taking them both to school today.
The three of us made our way upstairs so I could nurse and rock Pumpkin, and I had suggested that Squish look at books on my bed.
When I checked on Squish before I settled in with Pumpkin, I saw him sitting on my bed, criss-cross-applesauce, staring at the wall ahead of him.
"[Squish], you don't want to read books this morning?"